
May 212 min read

Social media is a platform for human expression, which for me means encountering new levels of overwhelm and fear but also potential and growth. It allows freedom of expression (mostly) which is kind of daunting, especially when we look at how humanity is evolving to become so individual and unique (yet more connected than ever before). Social media is also creating more opportunities for us to brush up against that with which we don’t agree...which is also an opportunity for us to confront parts of ourself that we are yet to accept. I curate my social media feed to be highly inspirational so I’m focussing my attention on resonance but I’m not discounting the benefit of acknowledging all forms of human expression whether it’s personally relatable or not.

Inscribing an ordinal onto bitcoin takes this to the next level, because it’s allowing anyone the opportunity to create a legacy for future generations, with the absence of an overarching judge deciding what’s acceptable, appropriate or right. This is a big deal because we get to write our own story and become comfortable with the fact that not everyone is going to read it, acknowledge it, resonate, or agree.

And part of going through the process of self expression is by confronting the parts of ourselves that are worrying about what other’s are thinking, and undoing patterns of thought that have been deeply embedded (thank you entheogens for helping me to disrupt these patterns) but there is no better form of growth by putting our creations out there to be judged for resonance. I have a shitload of respect and admire those who have the courage to do this!

When your individual expression is coming from the heart (and aligned with what’s in your imagination), then it most likely aligns for others too…even if it doesn’t resonate with your next-door neighbour, family member, friend, work colleague, etc…express anyway…it feels good!

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