
Feb 223 min read

Spirit and Science


The body and the mind.

What I love about cannabis is when it’s treated with full respect, you really listen to what’s being communicated.

I can take what I learn when I’m high and apply it to my life when I’m not high.

And the thing cannabis does best is strengthen the channels between God/Universe/Source/the Divine/Creator/the energy that is the origin of life.

And I found this energy in my body, and the most sensitive channels originated in the womb up to the brain. Which is why sex and cannabis is such a powerful form of meditation and a very clear channel to God.

 I’ve rejected my intellectual side for a few years now, and it’s probably been the most difficult part to reintegrate into my life. The rejection started about 6 years ago when I started my relationship with cannabis. I connected so deeply with my feelings that I almost felt like I had been lied to. The message I had been receiving primarily from society up until that point was that the intellect is the priority measure of a successful person. The intellect linked to school performance, career performance, and any kind of external ‘good’ performance really. And I was approaching my intellect from an inferiority complex. If I could just read one more book, I would be smarter. Feelings and emotions were something to be dismissed. I had become pretty avoidant to anything that evoked the emotion of pleasure and joy. These beliefs meant that I was walking a path that was completely out of alignment and essentially brought me minimal joy.  

 When I started smoking cannabis, I began to feel alive again. It got dark but I no longer avoided the dark emotions. I felt them. It also got pretty fucking blissful. And I became really curious as to what was going on in my body. So I started researching what humans understood about cannabis and the way it interacted with the body.

 The endocannabinoid system.

Holy fuck. One of the most influential systems in our body and I had never heard of it! Probably another reason why I went through a period of rejecting all of the existing systems in society. Why weren’t we taught about this biological system in school? Why was it that when I went to the doctor consistently, almost on a weekly basis (before cannabis) was the endocannabinoid system not mentioned with regard to my health and well being?

I spent a few years in blame - directed at my parents, the government, media, all existing institutions in society, and my intellect. But cannabis helped me develop the skills to take responsibility for my own well-being and helped pull myself out of a victim state. It’s a loving plant –almost Jesus like (he had to be a weed smoker!). Cannabis helps me feel unconditional love and compassion for myself and others, and if we all originate from the one source, then everyone is a reflection of a part of me. Cannabis is a mirror!

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