
Jun 122 min read

When I smoke cannabis, I drop into the presence of a seriously brilliant teacher. 🙏🌱

About 12 months after cannabis came into my life, we started travelling Australia in our van, spending four years on the road…the equivalent of a uni degree, only cannabis was my professor 😁🌱

It felt good to start living outside more. Before that, I had spent all my time indoors (house to office). 

It felt good to let go of the routine and monotony. 

It felt good to be flexible and slow down. 

It felt good to be in closer physical proximity with the plants, I guess that’s what’s smoking them can do! 

But there’s also a shitload of fear in releasing the rigidity and control which feels like a rollercoaster ride, big ups and downs. 

And the resilience that our kids have developed as they’ve watched their parents fuck shit up repeatedly (sorry kids 🙏💚✨) but also watched their parents question societal expectations and choose something different, embracing a level of risk teetering on the edge of what could be considered recklessness (at least what the past me would’ve judged as reckless!).

Thank you cannabis for helping me feel safety within my body, and for everyone who inspires me with their acts of courage! You’re inspiring others too! 

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