
Mar 214 min read

My zero-logic perspective on Bitcoin.

This is my perspective on Bitcoin – warning: it may lack sufficient logic, but I get to choose how I express, and I’m grateful to be living in a time where we have this kind of freedom, and grateful to whoever was involved in the origins of bitcoin (was it discovered or invented?), as well as the conviction and passion of the Stacks community!

Bitcoin is incredibly complex for me to analytically comprehend, but it is also a felt experience. It doesn’t care what people think, regardless of one’s political leaning, status in society, or individual perspective on the world, which I love.

Bitcoin FEELS safe, prosperous, abundant, and aligned. It allows for humans to leave a legacy. It provides an opportunity for every human to have a voice, regardless of one’s past or present. There is no algorithm that’s been programmed to censor certain words and certain forms of expression.

 This brings a new level of growth for humanity. We each have different values and a different perspective and it creates an entirely new level of self-responsibility for humans to evolve towards. Are we even ready as a collective to take on such a level of responsibility?

The concept of self-custody being one of them (being solely responsible for where we store our bitcoin and whatever cryptocurrency). Self-custody is a such a new concept for humans to adopt. We’re used to the convenience of resetting a password if we misplace or forget it. Technology made it easy for us to store our passwords on our computer, eliminating the need to write it down and lock it away. And if we get really stuck, we just call the bank and ask them to reset it. How good is convenience! Haha!

But self-custody brings an entirely new meaning to self-responsibility and self-leadership, but slowly, slowly, we’ll adapt to the new concept, and as the technology develops, it may even become easier somehow!

And then there’s Ordinals, and the ability to leave a legacy! The responsibility with the use of our words and art becomes monumental. When I write something and inscribe it on bitcoin, it will be there for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and beyond to read. This is the first piece of writing that I inscribed: The idea of leaving a true legacy has brought up a lot about purpose in life and the responsibility that comes with that. I wish that my ego didn’t come into play but it does…but we all make mistakes, it’s the best way to learn.….and YOLO!

 Thomas Fahrer talks about bitcoin as being an ‘indestructible digital element with absolute mathematical scarcity. Trying to comprehend that statement is a challenge in itself, but I can feel it, and right now that’s enough.

Only yesterday, my four year old who just started school this year asked me about the number zero, and what it is. I’ll be honest and say that grasping what the number zero actually is from a logical perspective, is kinda hard for me to fully comprehend. But Robert Breedlove, talks about it in one of his writing pieces here: I find this entire article crazy fascinating, and I especially like this bit:

“In the same way the economic medium of exchange, money, leads to the acceleration of trade and innovation, so too does the mathematical medium of exchange, zero, lead to enhanced informational exchange, and its associated development of civilizational advances”.

For me to comprehend zero, I’m going to apply my deeply feminine perspective and I feel like I witnessed it in a DMT  journey. I was travelling through the cosmos and experienced the vast nothingness, emptiness, and pure peaceful non-existence...and the only way to describe the feeling that accompanied the vision was like orgasmically giving birth to the universe. Is this zero, and is this what bitcoin offers humanity? Pure potentiality to be manifested.

Thanks for reading and thanks to everyone involved in Stacks!







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