
Apr 187 min read

White Papyrus


This White Papyrus are apply to all UniverseCreditCoin products, with no exceptions.


This UniverseCreditcoin White Papyrus is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions. Please exercise extreme caution while investing like in any other cryptocurrency. It is no guaranty to have HUGE earnings especially due extremely volatility nature of any cryptocurrency.

Keep safe your private key/s and your wallet.dat file/s. After install your wallet, do a mandatory backup of your wallet.dat file in a very safe place. Always encode your wallet with a strong password.

UniverseCreditcoin have not and will have not a web wallet ever, due nonexistent real security solutions to protect your money/investment on the internet. Also, storing large amounts of cryptocurrencies inside an exchange or web wallet is dangerous as the user could easily be disconnected and lose access to all of the funds with no recompense. (See Cryptopia, Altilly...). If will appear a such web wallet, IT IS A SCAM !!

UniverseCreditcoin CRD/xSLDS is a currency which is designed to hold value for a long period and allow that value to be easily moved between wallets without expensive transaction fees or lengthy waiting times.

UniverseCreditcoin CRD/xSLDS does not need a huge energy consumption, like Bitcoin as example. As a fork of PIVX, forked of DASH, CRD/xSLDS use an infinitesimal quantity of energy to process entire blockchain and to sustain entire CRD/xSLDS network.

Physical CRD/xSLDS coin it is a possibility to become available in the future, but when all payment will be made only on digital way, this possibility remain only as a possibility. We will see later.

only for CRD!! We established that from time to time a specific group of 10 blocks will reward till 1000 CRD each block for Masternode owner. Gift reward starts with 200 CRD each block. First group of 10 blocks with reward of 200 CRD each block it will coming soon. The next group of 10 blocks will rewards you with 250 CRD each block. And so on till last group of 10 blocks with 1000 CRD reward for each block. So, more Masternodes more chances to win.

Implementation of CRD/xSLDS as worldwide daily payment use, it is a laborious and long time project (see Bitcoin as example). On main site will keep inform you only with realizations. Will be no more "we will intend to do" or something like. Only developers/creators/financial supporters and main community leaders will know and will work on that goal. Of course, will be paid for their realisations. By doing so, we'll keep ours ideas apart from those developers who will put them on a White Paper just to be read and no more.

Do not forget:

1. In case of exchange hacking, exchange scam exit or any massive fraudulent collective losing, we will rolling back the blockchain to a few blocks before hacking time. If this situation will happen, we will do the rolling back action asap without prior announce and will be ask nobody for acceptance. Also, during that time, everyone have to not buy/sale/trade/transfer to avoid/limit losings. All of you have to follow our indications on social media/main site, not from other sources. Unfortunately, all losings that occurs due rolling back process will not be refunded ever.

2. We do not rolling back the blockchain for any other losings like: losing the wallet, lost/forgot wallet credentials/private key, individual victim of any scam action, any OS/HDD/SSD issues, no security access to wallet, stolen PC or Laptop, or any other.

3. Do not post any personal informations regarding to you or any other persons known by you, take an alias as nickname. We (owners, official community members, our employees) not ask about KYC or any personal informations ever. All private conversations will be only through our Keybase account -user: crdcoin7258 ( https://keybase.io/crdcoin7258 ), strictly, with no exceptions.


UniverseCreditcoin and partners does not guarantee the accuracy of or the conclusions reached in this White Papyrus, and this White Papyrus is provided “as is”. UniverseCreditcoin, and its affiliates shall have no liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on this White Papyrus or any of the content contained above, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will UniverseCreditcoin or its affiliates be liable to any person or entity for any damages, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses of any kind, whether direct or indirect, consequential, compensatory, incidental, actual, exemplary, punitive or special for the use of, reference to, or reliance on this White Papyrus or any of the content contained above, including, without limitation, any loss of business, revenues, profits, data, use, goodwill or other intangible losses.

UniverseCreditcoin y sus socios no garantizan la precisión ni la conclusiones alcanzadas en este White Papyrus, y este White Papyrus se proporciona "tal cual". UniverseCreditcoin y sus afiliados no serán responsables por daños de ningún tipo que surjan del uso, referencia o dependencia de este White Papyrus o cualquiera de los contenidos contenidos anteriormente, incluso si se advierte de la posibilidad de tales daños. En ningún caso UniverseCreditcoin o sus afiliadas serán responsables ante ninguna persona o entidad por daños, pérdidas, responsabilidades, costos o gastos de cualquier tipo, ya sean directos o indirectos, consecuentes, compensatorios, incidentales, reales, ejemplares, punitivos o especiales por el el uso, la referencia o la confianza en este White Papyrus o en cualquiera de los contenidos anteriores, que incluyen, entre otros, cualquier pérdida de negocio, ingresos, ganancias, datos, uso, buena voluntad u otras pérdidas intangibles.

UniverseCreditcoin et ses partenaires ne garantissent pas l'exactitude ou les conclusions tirées de ce White Papyrus, et ce White Papyrus est fourni «tel quel». UniverseCreditcoin et ses affiliés ne pourront être tenus responsables des dommages de quelque nature que ce soit résultant de l'utilisation, de la référence ou de la confiance accordée à ce White Papirus ou à tout contenu contenu ci-dessus, même s'ils sont informés de la possibilité de tels dommages. En aucun cas UniverseCreditcoin ou ses sociétés affiliées ne seront responsables envers toute personne ou entité de tout dommage, perte, responsabilité, coût ou dépense de quelque nature que ce soit, direct ou indirect, consécutif, compensatoire, accessoire, réel, exemplaire, punitif ou spécial pour le l'utilisation, la référence ou la confiance dans ce White Papyrus ou tout contenu contenu ci-dessus, y compris, sans s'y limiter, toute perte d'activité, de revenus, de bénéfices, de données, d'utilisation, de clientèle ou d'autres pertes intangibles.

UniverseCreditcoin и партнеры не гарантируют точность или выводы, сделанные в этом White Papyrus, и этот White Papyrus предоставляется «как есть». UniverseCreditcoin и его аффилированные лица не несут ответственности за ущерб любого рода, возникший в результате использования, ссылки или доверия к этому White Papyrus или любому содержанию, содержащемуся выше, даже если было сообщено о возможности такого ущерба. Ни при каких обстоятельствах UniverseCreditcoin или его аффилированные лица не несут ответственности перед каким-либо физическим или юридическим лицом за любые убытки, убытки, обязательства, издержки или расходы любого рода, будь то прямые или косвенные, косвенные, компенсационные, случайные, фактические, образцовые, штрафные или специальные за использование, ссылка или уверенность в этом White Papirus или любом содержании, содержащемся выше, включая, помимо прочего, любую потерю бизнеса, доходов, прибыли, данных, использования, деловой репутации или другие нематериальные убытки.

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