
Jan 114 min read

Statement to members

The first step has been completed. We are listed on NodeStats Node Stats and on CRATEX Exchange Cratex Exchange on BTC, LTC, Doge and BTCZ markets. Main site here: xSLDS Home Page
As you know absolutely all other cryptocurrencies first start ICOs or PRESALEs before do any payments. We has understood to finance from our own funds to start this business, as a business only not as a Charity Action.
To raise funds for future listings, we placed on CRATEX on BTC and LTC markets only 8MNs for sell on promotional price of 200sat/xSLDS. Other 8MNs are on sell order on regular price equivalent of 500 sat, on all markets.
Due to the imminent fall of BTC to its true value of [0], we need to list xSLDS on the USDT market. We plan to list xSLDS on CREX24 or Graviex only on the USDT market. We also consider listing on TO only on the LTC market. CRATEX is studying the opportunity to open an USDT market. If this market opens, we will list xSLDS only on TO.
For hosting MN we chose Gentarium. The listing on Gentarium will be made after block 25000. The difficulty will be quite high, preventing the split chain phenomenon. xSLDS will be listed also on various marketplaces as payment methode.
All this will be possible only if we raise funds from selling all 8 MNs on promotional price.
We have already started 2 projects. Payments will be made only in CRD or xSLDS.
- We offer blockchain technology based services for cryptocurrencies. We build on demand custom wallets, block explorers, cryptocurrencies. We pay commissions for every command.
- Reforestation. We will start a live reforestation project or we will affiliate to an existing one. Till then all our users/hodlers if want to active contribute to this business to conserve the market value of xSLDS, have to join Tree-Nation Tree-Nation . On your Forest page (your Tree-Nation home page) , use one of our LOGO xSLDS logo or (UniverseCreditCoin logo) and add this text: ,, I am xSLDS (or CRD) HODLER. Visit xSLDS home page (or CRD home page),, Present your forest on our server ,,I the forest,,: I the Forest . On Tree-Nation make friends and plant seeds (for free). Invite new members. Every new member invited by you will receive from us some xSLDS (only if accept to be a part of our reforestation community, adding our logo).
- If you have an idea about a new project, let us to know. It is not for free.
The main goal of this business is MASS ADOPTION as PAYMENT METHOD of our cryptocurrencies CRD and xSLDS. This will not happened over the night, so we have to involve in how many projects we can. To impose or at least to propose xSLDS as payment method we have to have at least 1300MNs and we should pass the imminent big dump stage which will follow sometime. When the time will come CRD will follow another strictly different direction.
To grow up the xSLDS community, we start to swap other cryptocurrencies, abandoned/scammed projects or worthless ones. For this we have available 2000000 xSLDS. Who bring to swap other cryptocurrency communities will receive 100xSLDS as reward (only for a finalized swap process). Having many members the trading daily volume will be increased also.

Keep in mind and do not forget: All our legit statements will be wrote on SIGLE only, on this account: UniverseCreditCoin SIGLE account and a link will be posted on social media after case or necessity. On SIGLE cannot be other accounts with the same name ever.

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