Triarius' Library

Jul 033 min read


Knowing how your men are neurologically wired can allow you to be an effective leader. You place your tribe/team on correct tasks/duty to excel on the mission to success. It will also allow you to fortify their weaknesses by understanding their neurological profiles.

Once you understand and have a complete picture, you can overlap Strengths and Weaknesses to solidify an entity very strong. This creates few weak links that breaking such, becomes practically impossible.

What are the neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters are substances which neurons use to communicate with one another and with their target tissues in the process of synaptic transmission (neurotransmission). 

Neurotransmitters are synthesized and released from nerve endings into the synaptic cleft. From there, neurotransmitters bind to receptor proteins in the cellular membrane of the target tissue. The target tissue gets excited, inhibited, or functionally modified in some other way.

There are more than 40 neurotransmitters in the human nervous system; I’ll focus on the 3 important for this post:

  1. Dopamine

  2. Acetylcholine

  3. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

There are archetypes of certain types, but there are very few pure Neuro-Archetypes.

Dopamine Dominant

Excitement is his middle name and they usually have a great deal of enthusiasm. They are the type that inspire people in the gym; the natural born salesman.

They are the most Yang, hence willpower, confidence and excitement describe them. They are the ones who will explode if they get angry. Successful in power activities.

8% of the population is a pure dopamine dominant type. Usually a breacher type of guy ready to go. They also invariably ask, “Are you sure this is enough work for me?"

Acetylcholine Dominant

In a sport like basketball (as an example) there is a high volume of acetylcholine dominant individuals. The sport requires individuals to pay attention ALL THE TIME.

These acetylcholine dominant individuals tend to be pioneers in their duty, coming up with creative and extravagant plans and goals. They go all-in every time they drop; they love pushing their personal limits as well as the boundaries. Quick-witted and creative, seeking out lines that may not be the gnarliest but probably weren’t even noticed by the rest of the crew.

They burn out fast and require recovery. They also invariably ask, "Are you sure this is the most cutting edge methodology you've got?"

GABA Dominant

A sniper would fall in this category, you can't be “trigger happy” as a sniper. They are laid back and very patient and big observers. They are stable and consistent. Well-rounded and thrive on stability, consistency, and routine.


We are each unique in our own way; it is the Nature of the Animal. However, I want to stress that talking constantly and wasting time and other people’s time is not your “nature of the animal”. These are other issues that you need to be aware of, and address right away.

Leverage your strengths, fortify your weaknesses. Educate your subordinates. Shields together.

This is not medical or chemistry advice and should not be taken as recommendation. Please consult with qualified professionals. 

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